A pedra do mês de Janeiro é a Granada / Garnet is January gemstone
Usada desde tempo ancestrais, conta-se que Noé usou uma lanterna com uma granada para ajudá-lo a orientar a sua arca na escuridão da noite. A granada é uma das gemas que podemos encontrar nas jóias egípcias, gregas e romanas, sendo popular como talismã e pedra de protecção, já que se acreditava que iluminava a noite e protegia o seu portador do mal e do desastre.
Garnets have been known for thousands of years. Noah, it is said, used a garnet lantern to help him steer his ark through the dark night. Garnets are also found in jewelry from early Egyptian, Greek and Roman times. Many early explorer and traveler liked to carry a garnet, as it was popular as a talisman and protective stone, and it was believed to light up the night and protect its bearer from evil and disaster.
Garnets have been known for thousands of years. Noah, it is said, used a garnet lantern to help him steer his ark through the dark night. Garnets are also found in jewelry from early Egyptian, Greek and Roman times. Many early explorer and traveler liked to carry a garnet, as it was popular as a talisman and protective stone, and it was believed to light up the night and protect its bearer from evil and disaster.
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